On 23 November 2023, the EBA published a CP on the draft Travel Rule Guidelines under the TFR. The main aim of the Guidelines is to prevent the abuse of funds and crypto-assets transfers for TF and other financial crime purposes and they aim at ensuring that relevant authorities can fully trace such transfers where this is necessary to prevent, detect or investigate ML and TF. The EBA hence promotes the development of a common understanding by Payment Service Providers (PSPs), Intermediary PSPs (IPSPs), Crypto-asset Service Providers (CASPs) and Intermediary CASPs (ICASPs) and competent authorities of the effective procedures to detect and manage the transfer of funds and crypto-assets lacking the required information on the payer/originator and the payee/beneficiary, and how they should be applied. The deadline for comments is 26 February 2024. The consultation form can be found here. The EBA will hold a virtual public hearing on the CP on 17 January 2024 from 14h to 16h Paris time. The deadline for registration via this link is  3 January 2024 at 16h CET.